This package includes the source for "cif2ps," a program to create a PostScript representation of an integrated circuit from a layout stored in Caltech Intermediate Form (CIF). A README, Makefile, and manual page are included as well as some sample CIF files. This version was derived from a version distributed by Marc Lesure of Engineering Computer Services, Arizona State University. The original version (called "cifp") was written by Arthur Simoneau, of The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, California. My additions to this program include: run time customization of plot styles for all CIF layers, limited plot depth option, technology-independent handling of CIF layers, PostScript functions for filling an object using a clipping path, automatic ordering of drawing operations for minimal obliteration, reduced output size, and support for CIF objects other than boxes. A few test files are included. Running "make test" will generate a layer-key for Scalable CMOS (SCMOS). The file "everything.cif" has one object of each CIF type: a box, roundflash, polygon, and wire. The file "scmos-test.cif" is a sample layout from the old "cifp." This version of "cif2ps" is distributed without any promise of support, though I would appreciate bug reports and changes. Gordon W. Ross (617) 271-3205 (daytime) The MITRE Corp. (M/S E025) Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730 Included below are the contents of README files from older versions. ------------------------------------------------------------------ [ README file from Marc Lesure's version of "cif2ps": -GWR ] This code was originally written by Arthur Simoneau, The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, California. and was called 'cifp'. 'cifp' would only take MAGIC SCMOS cif input and generate postscript for a single page of output. I've since taken it and modified it to accept cmos-pw technology for our local needs at Arizona State University. The biggest improvement I made was to get multiple page output. Each page is numbered with (x,y) coordinates so you know its proper sequence. Also each page overlaps with its neighbor, so you can cut and paste if you want. The program will rescale the user-specific scale to avoid producing blank pages. A scaling limit of 5 by 5 has been put in the program to eliminate massive outputs. Cif2ps can generate a postscript file in the multi-megabyte range very easily. I renamed the program to 'cif2ps' to be more descriptive of its function. Two test files have been included, cmos-pw.test.cif and scmos.test.cif. The file cmos-pw.test.cif was generated using the IGS2CIF program version 2a.04 on a HP EGS Graphics system. The file scmos.test.cif is from the original 'cifp' distribution. To plot this file you must use the '-T' option on 'cif2ps'. [ The "-T" option is no longer needed or available. -GWR ] Cif2ps is now used here in place of cifplot from the Berkeley VSLI distribution. STANDARD DISCLAIMER: ------------------- The authors and their organizations assume no responsibility for the use by the recipient of this program. Marc Lesure Engineering Computer Services Arizona State University --------------------------------------------------------------- [ README file from Arthur Simoneau's original "cifp": -GWR ] If somebody wants to modify this code you should be aware that the order of the "filled boxes" are important. The last filled box wins all of the pixels and so improper order can cause the p-well to obliterate all of the CIF geometries. [ Filled objects are now handled in a more sophisticated manner. -GWR ] I will be maintaining this code and adding missing features as they become desirable, so instead of re-inventing the wheel you should contact me before making any changes to see if I have already done them. Also, I would like to maintain knowledge of where this code is so I would appreciate any new sites request the code from me rather than siphoning it from another site. I will gladly respond to any bug reports if a suitable example displaying the bug is sent to me. Cheers, Arthur Simoneau The Aerospace Corporation El Segundo, California art@aerospace [ I was not able to reach art@aerospace -GWR ]