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<UNITEResource> <Version>1995012601</Version> <IDNumber>0</IDNumber> <Title>"Kansas City Zoo (Australia)"</Title> <ResourceType>"Field Trip"</ResourceType> <Description>"The Kansas City Zoological Gardens (Swope Park Zoo) offers exhibits pertaining to tropical life, winged waterfowl, sea lions, and primates, as we'll as the new Australian exhibit. Prior to touring the outback, a 5-minute movie introduces the visitors to Australia. Within the exhibit, which is designed as a suspended-disbelief environment, can be found not only free-roaming kangaroos, emus, and sheep but also two bird aviaries as well as fenced dingoes and camels. One portion of this exhibit has been designed as a sheep-shearing station which includes replicas of a small, outback home and the station office. Visitors will also find a special outback gift shop. A 15-minute train ride ($1.50) gives an overview of the entire zoo. Tickets for the zoo are $5.00 for those over the age of 12 and free to those under 12. Parking costs $2.00. Food and drinks are readily available throughout the zoo. Maps included are of the Australian exhibit, the Winged Waterway exhibit, and the entire zoo. Also included is additional information pertaining to upcoming exhibits."</Description> <Grades>"6" "7" "8"</Grades> <Curriculum> "Natural Science/Life Science/Living Things/Animals/General Animals" "Natural Science/Life Science/Living Things/Animals/Life Cycles of Animals" "Natural Science/Life Science/Living Things/Animals/Structure-Function Animals" "Natural Science/Life Science/Heredity/Parent-Offspring" "Natural Science/Life Science/Evolution/Origin and Development" "Natural Science/Life Science/Evolution/Adaptations to the Environment" "Natural Science/Earth Science/Geosphere/Geology/Tectonics" </Curriculum> <ProcessSkills> "Natural Science Process/Gather Data/Observe" "Natural Science Process/Gather Data/Measure" "Natural Science Process/Gather Data/Record" "Natural Science Process/Gather Data/Research" "Natural Science Process/Communicate Ideas/Define Ideas" "Natural Science Process/Communicate Ideas/Describe" "Natural Science Process/Communicate Ideas/Classify" "Natural Science Process/Values and Attitides/Teamwork" </ProcessSkills> <PhysicalMedia>"Downloadable File"</PhysicalMedia> <Author>"Nancy Markwell"</Author> <Availability>"Explorer, ECnet"</Availability> <Reviewers>"KU UNITE"</Reviewers> <FileDescriptions> <FileDescription> <FileFormat>"document/x-ClarisWorks"</FileFormat> <FileSizeInKBytes>194</FileSizeInKBytes> <FileEncoding>"HQX"</FileEncoding> <FileName>"KC_Zoo_Australia_Exhibit948869.hqx"</FileName> <FileSet>"KU_FileSet"</FileSet> </FileDescription> <FileDescription> <FileFormat>"document/x-Acrobat"</FileFormat> <FileSizeInKBytes>62</FileSizeInKBytes> <FileEncoding>"PDF"</FileEncoding> <FileName>"KCZooAus.pdf949004.pdf"</FileName> <FileSet>"KU_FileSet"</FileSet> </FileDescription> </FileDescriptions> </UNITEResource> </PLAINTEXT> </BODY> </HTML>