EECS 723 Class Handouts






Section 2.1: The Lumped-Element Circuit Model for a Transmission Line


The Telegrapher Equations

The Transmission Line Wave Equation

The Characteristic Impedance of a Transmission Line

The Complex Propagation Constant

The Lossless Transmission Line



Section 2.3: The Terminated, Lossless Transmission Line


The Teminated Lossless Transmission Line

Transmission Line Input Impedance

Example: Input Impedance

Power Flow and Return Loss


The Reflection Coefficient Transformation

The Transmission Coefficient T



Section 2.4: The Smith Chart


The Complex G Plane

The Reflection Coefficient Transformation

Transformations on the Complex G Plane

Mapping Z to G

The Smith Chart

Zin Calculations using the Smith Chart

Example: The Load Impedance

Example: The Shorted Transmission Line

Example:  Determining the length of a T. L.

Example: Admittance Calculations with the Smith Chart



Section 2.5: The Quarter-Wave Transformer


The Quarter-Wave Transformer

The Multiple Reflection Viewpoint



Section 2.6: Generator and Load Mismatches


A T. L. Connecting Source and Load

Delivered Power



Section 2.7: Lossy Transmission Lines


The Distortionless Line



Section 3.5: The Coaxial Line


Coaxial Transmission Lines

Coaxial Connectors



Section 3.7: Stripline


Printed Circuit Board Transmission Lines

Stripline Transmission Lines



Section 3.8: Microstrip


Microstrip Transmission Lines



Section 3.11: Summary of Transmission Lines and Waveguides


A Comparison of Common Transmission Lines and Waveguides



Section 4.2: Impedance and Admittance Matricies


The Impedance Matrix

The Admittance Matrix

Example: The Admittance Matrix

Example: Using the Impedance Matrix



Section 4.3: The Scattering Matrix


The Scattering Matrix

Example: The Scattering Matrix

Matched, Reciprocal, Lossless

Example: A Lossless, Reciprocal Network

Example: Determining the Scattering Matrix



Section 4.4: The Transmission Matrix


The Transmission Matrix



Section 4.5: Signal Flow Graphs


Rules for Signal Flow Graph Decomposition

Example: Decomposition of a Signal Flow Graph



Section 5.1: Matching with Lumped Elements


L-Network Analysis



Section 5.2: Single-Stub Tuning


Shunt-Stub Tuning

Series-Stub Tuning



Section 5.3: Double-Stub Tuning


Double-Stub Tuning



Section 5.4: The Quarter-Wave Transformer


The Quarter-Wave Transformer Yet Again



Section 5.5: The Theory of Small Reflections


The Multisection Transformer



Section 5.6: The Binomial Multisection Transformer


The Binomial Matching Transformer



Section 5.7: The Chebychev Matching Transformer


The Chebychev Matching Transformer



Section 5.8: Tapered Lines