EECS 665 - Compiler Construction
Prasad Kulkarni
EECS Department
University of Kansas

Course Time: MWF 3:00PM - 3:50PM
Course Location: LEEP2 G415

Office: Eaton 2030
Office Hours: MF: 9:30AM - 10:30AM
                       (or by appointment)

  1. Introduction | Class Schedule
  2. Chapter 1
  3. Chapter 2 | Figures
  4. Chapter 3 | Figures
  5. Chapter 4 | Figures
  6. Assignment 1: Statement | Example Input | Example Output | My Executable
  7. Chapter 6 | Figures
  8. Project 2 Statement | Starter files
  9. Chapter 7 | Figures
  10. Chapter 8 | Figures
  11. Chapter 9
Lab Web-site
  1. Lex and Yacc, 2nd Edition
  2. Harrison has shared this link that provides solutions to many exercises from the text: link here.