EECS753 Embedded Real-Time Systems

Main | Schedule

Instructor: Heechul Yun (email:

When: Tu/Th 9:30 am - 10:45 am

Where: LEA 2111

Office hours: Tu/Th 10:45 am - 11:45 am

Course Description

Advanced topics in embedded real-time systems. The course is part lecture and part seminar course. You will learn about real-time systems basic from lectures. We will study classic and recent research papers in the areas of embedded real-time systems (or cyber-physical systems). The course especially focus systems on aviation and automotive applications. The topics included the followings:

  • Real-time scheduling theory
  • Cyber-physical/embedded real-time systems
  • AI/Machine learning in CPS, Edge computing
  • Real-time hardware architecture, OS for CPS
  • Safety and security in CPS

    The course will consist of lectures, student presentations, homeworks, and a term project.


  • EECS 645 Computer Architecture
  • EECS 678 Introduction to Operating Systems.

    About the Course

    Paper Reading Assignments

    In most weeks, there will be one or two assigned papers, which you are expected to read prior to the class. The reading assignment will be announced through the schedule page. Also you need to write a short summary (critique) for each assigned paper. The summary submission policy is as follows.

  • You should send your summary, before the class of the assigned paper begins.
  • You can skip up to 3 paper summaries w/o getting penalty.

    Paper Presentation

    During the semester, you will present at least one paper (may vary depending on the class size) to the class. You need to choose the papers from the schedule table. The presenter of a paper does not need to write the paper's summary.


    You are expected to carry out a few assigned homeworks. Details will be posted via the blackboard and the schedule page

    Term Project

  • (Option1) building a self-driving RC car
  • (Option2) independent research project


  • Paper Summaries: 20%
  • Paper Presentations: 10%
  • Exam(s): 20%
  • Homeworks: 10%
  • Term Project: 40%


  • Late submissions: 20% off per day.
  • Academic misconducts: Reports and summaries must be written with your own language with proper citations. Violations (e.g., copy & paste others' text without proper citations) will be reported to the department and processed accordingly.