Rosetta Hompage

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[ Systems Level Design ] [ Participation ] [ Stories ]
[ Standard ] [ Overview ] [ Semantics ] [ Interactions ]
[ System-Level Design with Rosetta ] [ System-Level Design Semantics ]
[ Schmidt Trigger ] [ Alarm Clock ] [ Actuator and Spring ] [ Satellite Comm Link ]
[ Introduction ] [ Domain Semantics ] [ Specification Domains ] [ Mechanical Studies ]
[ Rhaskell ] [ ANTLR Java Parser ] [ Simulator ] [ Test Vector Generator ]
[ ITTC ] [ Cadstone ] [ NSF ] [ Rhaskell ] [ InterpreterLib ] [ Thread Pool Monad ]
[ Base Language ] [ Domain ] [ Reflection ] [ Tool Flow ]

Example Specifications

This page contains links to various example Rosetta specifications. Most examples were developed as a part of ongoing research projects. However, there are tutorial examples defined as well.

Schmidt Trigger

The Schmidt trigger example is the simplest Rosetta example available. It is a single facet modeling the functional behavior of a simple trigger in the continuous time domain.

Alarm Clock

The alarm clock example is a Rosetta model for the classic Synopsys synthesis example. It demonstrates the use of Rosetta to model multicomponent and systems level examples

Actuator and Spring System

The actuator and spring models represent mechanical design problems performed as proof-of-concept examples for the US Air Force. The spring models represent single and nested springs. The actuator example provides models from a generalized, actual aircraft re-design problem.

Satellite Communications Uplink

The satellite communications example is a model of a TDMA-based information processing system. The model includes components for carrier detection, clock synchronization, unique ID recognition and data recovery. This example is taken from an actual design problem from TRW.

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