Alex Bardas

Alexandru G. Bardas

The University of Kansas
Associate Professor
EECS Department and I2S
2040 Eaton Hall
238 Nichols Hall
Lawrence, KS 66045
+1 785 864 4421
alexbardas ku edu


I am an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS) and the Institute for Information Sciences (I2S, former ITTC) at the University of Kansas. I received my PhD from Kansas State University and was priviledged to be advised by Xinming (Simon) Ou and by Scott A. DeLoach.

My research interests are focused on cybersecurity, mainly from a systems perspective. I believe that viable cybersecurity solutions must leverage collective knowledge, be reliable, and consider practical aspects in an environment surrounded by uncertainty. For more information, please see my research page.


My CV should you be interested.



I am originally from Sibiu, Romania. Sibiu is a medieval town located in the southern part of Transylvania. In 2007 Sibiu was designated European Capital of Culture.